Months before rain starts, Midpen's trail crews typically transition from large-scale trail repair, maintenance and construction projects to annual “trail checks” in anticipation of the coming winter storms. Cre
The organization, which received Midpen grant funding, led the group of 30 hikers through Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve. They had come from Oakland, Sunnyvale and across the Bay Area to hike with Saved By Nature and one another.
Midpen's award-winning Geographic Information Systems (GIS) team took those thousands of collected data points and turned them into a user-friendly web-based app called Trail Explor
Recently, Midpen rangeland ecologist and botanist Lewis Reed stumbled across a tarweed at Tunitas Creek Open Space Preserve that he did not recognize, a find that would lead him to discover not one, but three locally rare native plants.
Sustainable agriculture not only provides an essential function for people, this land use also plays a critical role in protecting our surrounding natural environment and maintaining lands in open space by supporting rainwater percolation into our groundwater and creek systems,
Among all of California’s incredible biodiversity, there is just one native freshwater turtle: the western pond turtle. These turtles, though becoming rare, are abundant in the aptly named Turtle Ponds in Midpen’s La Honda Creek Op
See for yourself—and tell others—what amazing plants and animals are on Midpen preserves by joining the Midpen Biodiversity Index project and sharing your observations.