Rapidly advancing technology may seem to be at odds with open space preservation, however, new technologies such as digital mapping, apps, cameras and software are essential to Midpen’s work.
As one of the “original nine” rangers hired by Midpen, David Sanguinetti, or “Sango” as he was more commonly known around the organization, has a thorough recollection of the early days at Midpen.
Midpen is working with the University of Santa Cruz Puma Project on a 5-year study to learn more about how mountain lions use open space lands frequently visited by people and to better understand factors that influence human-mountain lion interactions.
Midpen has awarded $250,000 to 10 regional nonprofit and research organizations for projects in support of Midpen preserves for public access, interpretation, education and research.
At any given time of the year, multiple projects are in-progress throughout Midpen preserves aimed at restoring ecological health and creating landscapes that are resilient to fire, while reducing potential wildland fire severity and helping to protect public safety.Staff
One of our most precious natural resources. The sixth supervisor in San Mateo County. Lennie Roberts has been called many things over her 50+ year career as an environmental advocate.
Dozens of detections in numbers not seen since the 1990s indicate that marbled murrelets are nesting in Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve again.