Hikers enjoying sunset sky at Monte Bello Preserve

Measure AA

Sunset hikers at Monte Bello Preserve (Karl Gohl)
Funded by Measure AA 2014 Open Space Bond

In June 2014, voters approved Measure AA, a 30-year, $300 million general obligation bond to protect natural and working lands; open preserve lands to the public; construct public access improvements such as new trails and parking/staging areas; and restore and enhance open space land, forests, streams, watersheds and coastal ranch areas.

MAA projects are grouped in 25 key project portfolios, organized by geographic area within District boundaries. Sales of bonds over the 20-30 year period generates the proceeds to fund the identified projects and allows the District to use property tax revenue for operational expenses, including maintaining preserves and trails, offering public programming and staff salaries. Midpen has also been able to leverage nearly $23 million in grants and partnership funding, plus $4 million in interest income from the bond proceeds to increase the total available MAA bond funding to $327.1 million, which helps in this era of rapidly increasing costs.

Measure AA Milestones

Miles of Trail
Acres Protected
Funds Spent

Measure AA Bond Accountability Report

The annual Measure AA Bond Accountability Report reflects MAA expenditures for the previous fiscal year. Expenditures, progress and major accomplishments within each of the 25 priority actions and project portfolios outlined in Measure AA, providing updates on project work completed within the fiscal year.

A Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) is appointed by the Midpen board of directors to ensure accountability, transparency and public oversight of all funds collected and allocated under MAA. The BOC consists of seven at-large members of the public who reside within District boundaries and review the Annual Accountability Report and expenditure plan in parallel each year, presenting findings to the board at a public meeting.

Measure AA Background

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