As part of Midpen’s mission to reclaim natural areas and restore the land’s natural functions to support a healthy thriving ecosystem, staff recently completed the cleanup of this old landfill discovered within the preserve.
Midpen and the San Francisco Conservation Corps (SFCC) are teaming up to expand capacity for work that increases the natural environment’s resilience to climate change and potential wildland fire.
The San Mateo County Planning Commission recently granted Midpen a 5-year Coastal Development Permit and Grading Permit for the Open Space Maintenance and Restoration Program.
Midpen recently approved a two-year contract with Latino Outdoors to provide engaging outdoor experiences for diverse participants at various open space preserves and through online virtual presentations.
We often think of winter as a time for rest. A quiet moment of dormancy spent in preparation for what’s to come. Yet for some California native plants, winter is their time to shine.
Journey one mile down the Harrington Creek Trail from the main parking area in La Honda Creek Preserve, and you’ll discover two new benches where you can pause, rest and take in spectacular views of surrounding coastal hills and forested ridges.
The trail improvement project has reached a key milestone – completion of retaining walls at Alpine Road Trail’s lower trailhead, where the paved road meets a dirt tr