Coyotes have been in the headlines, and Midpen has recently enacted temporary trail closures in areas where coyotes were exhibiting territorial behavior around dogs.
After months of planning, site preparations and weather conditions aligning just right, Midpen returned prescribed fire to a closed area of Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve on October 25 as part of our multifaceted Wildland Fire Resiliency Program.
Midpen has begun a carefully timed project, in partnership with contractors and some Midpen conservation grazing tenants, to mow approximately 375 acres in coastal preserves where brush is encroaching into grasslands.
Visitors to Midpen’s Monte Bello Open Space Preserve may notice several new smoke-detecting devices that have recently been installed along the Bella Vista and Indian Creek trails.
The iconic red barn in Midpen’s La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve is the only known pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) maternity roost on the Peninsula, meaning pregnant females gather here to give birth and tend their young from April through August.
Midpen staff identified a patrol road in a remote region of Sierra Azul Preserve as a priority area to reduce roadside vegetation and create and maintain a fuel break.
Recently, Midpen added 60 acres to its La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve with the help of Measure AA funding, a bond approved by local voters in 2014 to support Midpen’s Vision Plan projects.