View from Russian Ridge Preserve to Mindego Hill by Karl Gohl

July 2019 - Plug Into Nature e-News

Summer is a great time to get outside. Join a docent-led activity or volunteer project, trek on a new trail, or track a turtle. You can also connect with your open space at a public workshop to learn about regional trail connections, or even explore a new preserve online at home!

Mount Umunhum Summit Trail Reopens!

Mount Umunhum summit visitors can once again access the east summit area and the hiking-only portion of the Mt. Umunhum Trail using a new temporary covered walkway installed at the base of the tower. For safety concerns, the other walkways surrounding the base of the tower are still closed until further notice. Certain weather conditions may close the walkway without warning.

Plan your visit to Mount Umunhum

Explore Bear Creek Redwoods at Home

The newly opened Bear Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve is quickly becoming a must-see destination and the parking lot fills up early on the weekends. If you’re waiting to visit this preserve until the crowds die down, you can still discover the rich layers of Bear Creek Redwoods history right from the comfort of your own home, or on the go, via our online storymap. This interactive experience tells the story of land through history, including maps and and blast-from-the-past photos. Bear Creek Redwoods isn’t just any preserve. It has been shaped by the Ohlone, gold rush era lumber mills, elaborate estates, major earthquakes and the West Coast’s first Jesuit school of theology.

See the storymap

Turtle Tracking

Many Midpen preserves provide important habitat for California’s only native freshwater turtle, the western pond turtle. Unfortunately, these slow-moving creatures are threatened by non-native species such as red-eared sliders who are “set free” by their owners. Unwanted turtles and other animals should never be released into the wild.

You can help us monitor and protect the turtles in our preserves as part of an ongoing citizen science project. No special training is necessary, simply download iNaturalist onto your smart phone and add your observations to the Midpen Biodiversity Index.

Learn more about turtles in Midpen preserves

Regional Trail Connections Across Highway 17

Highways connect us, but also divide the land and create barriers to safe passage for both outdoor enthusiasts and wildlife. Midpen is developing plans for wildlife and trail crossings across Highway 17 to connect over 30,000 acres of protected public lands on both sides of Highway 17. For humans, these crossings will link over 50 miles of existing trails and provide regional trail connections for the Bay Area Ridge Trail and the Juan Bautista de Anza Trail near the Town of Los Gatos and the Lexington Reservoir.

Building the crossings is just one part of the solution. We must also build new trails to connect the crossing to existing trails and we want to hear your thoughts.

Find out more about regional trail connections

Regional Trail Connections - Public Workshop
Join us to learn more and provide feedback on our draft regional trails study. You can also review the study and provide feedback on our website following the meeting.

Tuesday, July 9 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Los Gatos United Methodist Church
111 Church Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030

RSVP to let us know you'll be there!

Midpen Board Approves Budget and Action Plan

The Midpen Board of Directors has approved the operating Budget and Action Plan for the fiscal year running July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020. The $74.8 million balanced budget allows Midpen to fulfill our mission to acquire and preserve a regional greenbelt of open space, protect and restore the natural environment and provide opportunities for ecologically sensitive public enjoyment and education.

View the complete Budget and Action Plan Report
Check out the Budget in Brief for a high-level budget overview

Join Us to Hike

Each month volunteer docents lead FREE activities throughout Midpen preserves. This is a great way to learn about open space, explore a new trail or find a hiking group. Whether you are an early bird or like to sleep in, you can find an activity that fits your schedule, interests and abilities.

See all July activities at Midpen

Join Us to Help

Would you like to help restore and protect your open space lands? Joining an outdoor service project is a great way to start. We have several projects each month with varying degrees of difficulty. No previous experience or long-term commitment is required. Advance registration is required and slots fill quickly. Registration for August projects begins July 1 online. Come prepared to get a little dirty and sweaty!

Register for August projects

Upcoming Meetings and Events

July 1 – Registration opens for August Outdoor Service Projects
July 9 – Public Workshop: Hwy 17 Trail Connections
July 10 – Board of Directors Meeting
July 24 – Board of Directors Meeting

For a complete list of Midpen events and meetings visit