View from Russian Ridge Preserve to Mindego Hill by Karl Gohl

Measure AA Project Portfolios

Project Portfolios

Voters approved Measure AA based on an expenditure plan that outlined 25 priority actions and project portfolios. Those priorities are part of a community-supported Vision Plan (which includes 54 portfolios in total) that began in 2012. Click on a photo below to explore the accomplishments and expenditures in each portfolio.

Measure AA Bond Accountability Report

The annual Measure AA Bond Accountability Report reflects MAA expenditures for the previous fiscal year. Expenditures, progress and major accomplishments within each of the 25 priority actions and project portfolios outlined in Measure AA, providing updates on project work completed within the fiscal year.

A Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) is appointed by the Midpen board of directors to ensure accountability, transparency and public oversight of all funds collected and allocated under MAA. The BOC consists of seven at-large members of the public who reside within District boundaries and review the Annual Accountability Report and expenditure plan in parallel each year, presenting findings to the board at a public meeting.

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