Bear Creek Stables / photo by Midpen staff

Bear Creek Stables

Bear Creek Stables / photo by Midpen staff

Bear Creek Stables Meeting - March 26 at 5 p.m.

On Wednesday, March 26 at 5 p.m. the Midpen board of directors will receive an update and provide feedback on the milestones and framework for a long-term agreement with the Friends of Bear Creek Stables to operate and provide public programming at the stables. The Board will also discuss extending the short-term operational agreement with the Friends of Bear Creek Stables.

Located within Bear Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve, Bear Creek Stables is a boarding and training facility with room for over 70 horses that has been in operation since the 1930s. 

Midpen has been planning improvements to the Bear Creek Stables through a public process since 2015, with the goals of bringing the aging facility up to modern building codes and public access in alignment with environmental protection.

Due to the escalating costs required to repair, maintain and continue operating Bear Creek Stables, in May 2024, the Midpen board received an update on the Repair Project. The estimated construction cost of the project increased from $4.4 million (2019 estimate) to $9.5-10.5 million as a result of county code/permit requirements and economic inflation. Given the cost escalation of the Repair Project, the Board reviewed several long-term stables options before deciding to form an Ad Hoc Committee to work with community members to explore and develop potential additional options for board consideration.

On November 20, 2024, the Midpen Board voted to move forward with a phased approach to Bear Creek Stables site improvements, programming, and fundraising and implementing a nonprofit management model. The site design and operating model were developed by the Ad Hoc Committee working with interested members of the public and included some site plan modifications recommended by staff.

While work will begin on the site plan, construction of improvements is contingent upon Midpen’s board approving a partnership agreement with a nonprofit entity that clearly defines roles, responsibilities, milestones, operations, and fundraising targets that would need to be met before Midpen substantially invests in repairs and maintenance at the stables.

    Bear Creek Stables

    On May 14, 2024, the board of directors formed an Ad Hoc Committee to consider additional options and engage the community for input on the following:

    • Stables or operations management
    • Architectural and engineering experience
    • Therapy programs
    • Fundraising including grants

    The board further directed the Committee to work with elected officials to support the stables.

    Public Access, Education, and Outreach
    Public Access
    illustration of a bird in flight next to the letters MAA
    Measure AA

    Goals and Objectives

    To guide the management of Bear Creek Stables, Midpen approved the Bear Creek Stables Site Plan in 2017. The plan outlines goals regarding public access, protection of natural resources and financial feasibility.

    The approved project will continue horse boarding and restart public programs using a new approach involving a nonprofit partnership. The project will include:

    • Improving the driveway to meet county fire guidelines
    • Installation of ADA-accessible parking and restroom
    • Repairs to the onsite caretaker house
    • Improving and water storage
    • Installation of new small, dispersed hay barns

    However, beginning work is contingent upon Midpen’s board approving a partnership agreement with a nonprofit entity that clearly defines roles, responsibilities, milestones, operations and fundraising targets that would need to be met before Midpen substantially invests in repairs and maintenance at the stables. 

    Future improvements including rehabilitation of the Tevis barn would be dependent upon fundraising secured by the future nonprofit operator. 

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    Dr. Harry L. Tevis first developed the site in 1916 to accommodate his Tennessee walking horses on his extensive estate. Following Midpen’s acquisition of the site in 1999, the stables have continued under lease with a tenant.

    The Stables have operated under a legal, non-conforming use designation since 1975. A 'non-conforming use' is an existing use of a property that does not comply with current zoning ordinances. This exception is granted to structures or activities that predate the adoption of the zoning code.

    In 2019, Midpen considered five stables project options (Preserve Plan Site Plan, Maintenance and Repairs, Close Stables, Sell or Lease, Relocate). At that meeting the board of directors opted to move forward with the Repair Project at a cost of $4 - $4.4 million. The project was intended to maintain current equestrian programming, implement key repairs and incorporate Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.

    In May 2024, the estimated cost of the project increased to $9.5 - $10.5 million due to county code and permit requirements and economic inflation. Midpen’s board considered options for the stables that align with Midpen’s priorities, goals, mission and responsible stewardship of public funds. 

    In November 2024, the board voted to move forward with the repair and maintenance project at Bear Creek Stables developed by staff with recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee. The decision will continue horse boarding and restart public programs using a new approach involving nonprofit partnership. 

    However, beginning work is contingent upon  approving a partnership agreement with a nonprofit entity that clearly defines roles, responsibilities, milestones, operations and fundraising targets that would need to be met before Midpen substantially invests in repairs and maintenance at the stables.


    November 20, 2024

    Public Meeting: The Midpen board of directors voted to move forward with the repair and maintenance project at Bear Creek Stables developed by staff with recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee.
    Agenda Report

    Summer-Fall 2024Bear Creek Stables Ad Hoc Committee meetings. Learn more at
    May 14, 2024

    Public Meeting: The Midpen board of directors received an update on the Repair Project, County permitting status, and updated projected costs. The board opted to create the Bear Creek Stables Ad Hoc Committee to consider additional options and engage the community for input
    Agenda report

    March 22, 2023

    Public Meeting: The Board directed staff to address Use Permit Conditions using an alternate means and methods approach, to reduce the scale, cost and environmental impacts of certain conditions of approval and remain as close to the Repair Project budget as possible.
    Agenda report

    January 1, 2023Chaparral becomes the new operator of stables facility. 
    November 19, 2022Staff and representatives from Chaparral were on-site to answer any boarders' questions. 
    August 24, 2022Public Meeting:  The Midpen board of directors voted to award a multi-year concessionaire agreement for Bear Creek Stables to Chaparral Country Corporation.
    Agenda report
    July 14, 2021Public Meeting: The Midpen board of directors received a presentation on the process for selecting a long-term Bear Creek Stables operator. Both the board and members of the public provided input on the proposed operational requirements and operator selection criteria.
    Agenda report
    June 9, 2021Public Meeting: The Midpen board of directors received an update on the Bear Creek Stables project and affirmed the Use Permit permitting approach to implement the project.
    Agenda report
    Spring 2021Ongoing permitting coordination with the County of Santa Clara.
    Summer 2020Capital maintenance and repair construction plans 50% complete.
    April 8, 2020Public meeting: The Midpen board received an update on the Bear Creek Stables project and allocated $1.2M of the available Interest on Measure AA Bond Proceeds to close the known funding gap to implement capital maintenance and repairs.
    Agenda report
    October 9, 2019Public meeting: Midpen’s board votes not to pursue public-private fundraising to raise the resources that would be needed to implement the entire 2017 Bear Creek Stables Site Plan.
    Agenda report
    Summer 2019Planning and permitting for capital maintenance and repair projects begin.
    April 25, 2019Public meeting: Midpen’s board approves implementing capital maintenance and repairs within the approved project budget, while pursuing implementation of the entire Bear Creek Stables Site Plan in the long-term.
    Agenda report
    2018-2019Coordination with Santa Clara County to clarify capital maintenance and repairs allowed under the stable’s existing legal nonconforming use.
    2017Preliminary planning reveals site constraints and challenges associated with implementing the Bear Creek Stables Site Plan. New cost estimates increase funding gap.
    January 25, 2017Public meeting: Bear Creek Stables Site Plan approved by Midpen’s board as part of the Bear Creek Redwoods Preserve Plan, along with a certified Environmental Impact Report.
    July 6, 2016Public Meeting: Midpen's board selected the preferred site plan alternative, which was incorporated into the Bear Creek Redwoods Preserve Plan.
    Agenda report
    February 24, 2016Public Meeting: Midpen's board reviewed two site design alternatives for the Bear Creek Stables and directed the General Manager to develop three additional site design alternatives to address the high, upfront capital costs for the proposed improvements.
    Agenda report
    2015-2016Public and environmental review process to create the Bear Creek Stables Site Plan


    In November 2024, the board voted to move forward with a phased project approach. The first two approved phases is estimated to cost approximately $7,573,620. Two elements originally included in the project are will be deferred and are contingent on nonprofit fundraising.

    At the April 8, 2020, public meeting, the Midpen board of directors committed an additional $1,223,000, for a total of $5,534,928, to implement the Bear Creek Stables repair project.

    Previously, at the October 9, 2019, public meeting, the Midpen board voted to continue with capital maintenance and repairs within the approved budget, but not to pursue public-private fundraising for the additional resources that would be necessary to implement the entire 2017 Bear Creek Stables Site Plan. This decision was made due to rising costs and a high level of uncertainty for fundraising success.