Alpine Road is an old regional road that used to connect the Town of Portola Valley to Page Mill Road. San Mateo County closed this road to vehicular traffic in 1979 due to road degradation and multiple washouts. Since then, there have been multiple culvert failures and washouts that have further degraded the roadbed and added sediment to local waterways, including nearby Corte Madera Creek.
A portion of Alpine Road runs adjacent to and through part of Coal Creek Open Space Preserve, linking to trails within the preserve and serving as an important regional trail connection for cyclists, equestrians and hikers alike.
The Alpine Road Regional Trail Improvement Project has corrected the degraded roadbed and failing culverts to prevent erosion and sedimentation issues, while improving the sustainability and resilience of this important regional trail connection. This project was identified by the community as a top 10 priority in Midpen’s Vision Plan and was funded in part by Measure AA bond funds.
Watch the upcoming OpenRoad episode for a feature on the historic route and its new improvements: