Following the federal census every ten years, Midpen’s board of directors was required by law to ensure that the geographic areas, or “wards”, which our seven publicly elected board member represent remain substantially equal in population.
An easy-access paved pathway, bridge and a raised boardwalk with an overlook and interpretive signs now connect University Avenue directly to Ravenswood Open Space Preserve. Walkers and bicyclists can access the preserve via the new trailhead, parking is only available at the main preserve entrance on Bay Road.
On December 11, 2013, the District Board of Directors approved a lease and management agreement with Peninsula Open Space Trust to manage the former Driscoll Ranch Apple Orchard and Event Center properties.
The Skyline Ridge Tree Farm Restoration Project is a multi-year project to restore 13 acres formerly planted with Christmas trees within the 2,143-acre Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve.
In 2019, Midpen board members and constituents from throughout Midpen’s service area came together as the La Honda Public Access Working Group to identify recommendations for expanding public access to the central area of La Honda Creek Preserve.
Restoration work aimed at improving several ponds in La Honda Creek Preserve to better support wildlife including the threatened red-legged frog and the endangered San Francisco garter snake.
Restoration work aimed at protecting watershed integrity while maintaining opportunities for safe and ecologically sensitive public enjoyment and education.
In June 2022, in a nearly 6-hour meeting that included staff and research data presentations, public comment from more than 100 people and significant deliberations, the Midpen board of directors affirmed the prohibition of e-bikes on District trails except for specifically designated trails.