Midpen staff building the new La Honda Creek Preserve Loop Trail by Don Mackessy/Midpen

New La Honda Creek Loop Trail Under Construction

In May of 2021, we broke ground on a new 1-mile, easy-access loop trail from the Sears Ranch Road parking area in La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve. Once complete, the trail will be allowed to settle over the winter before opening to the public in 2022. This new trail is part of our community-supported, long-term vision for this preserve.

“What makes this short new trail special is the diversity of visitor experiences it will provide including grasslands, forests and a vista point with amazing views,” Midpen Capital Projects Field Manager Bryan Apple said. “And it will be accessible to people of diverse levels and abilities.”

The trail will also provide the unique experience of traversing working ranchland with grazing cattle, which are part of Midpen’s Conservation Grazing Program aimed at restoring coastal grasslands. Stay tuned for information on when the trail will open.

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