Midpen is pleased to announce the publication of our ninth Measure AA Bond Annual Accountability Report.
Approved by voters in 2014, Measure AA is a 30-year, $300 million general obligation bond to protect natural and working lands; open preserve lands to the public; construct public access improvements such as new trails and parking/staging areas; and restore and enhance open space land, forests, streams, watersheds and coastal ranch areas. When the public approved Measure AA, they also approved an ongoing review of expenditures through a Bond Measure Oversight Committee.
The new report reflects Measure AA expenditures in fiscal year 2024, July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, on 25 high priority actions and project portfolios organized by geographic area which were the culmination of a vision planning effort that began in 2012. In fiscal year 2024, Midpen spent $16.8 million bringing the life-to-date total bond expenditure total to $127.2 million.
Highlights in this year’s report include major design milestones for the Highway 17 Wildlife and Trail Crossing Project, completion of numerous technical studies for the Hawthorns Area of Windy Hill, the preservation of the 160-year old White Barn at La Honda Creek, the Bear Creek Redwoods Phase 2 trails completion and opening and more.