View from Russian Ridge Preserve to Mindego Hill by Karl Gohl

Bringing New Volunteers to Open Space

Woodside Priory High School VolunteersThis year, Midpen launched an exciting partnership with Acterra, a local environmental nonprofit that offers a wide variety of environmental volunteer opportunities for adults and youth, including resource management and habitat restoration projects.

The first joint volunteer day took place on January 21, at the Hawthorns property at Windy Hill. A group of 25 students from Woodside Priory High School learned how to identify invasive species and the native flora and fauna. They then spent the day removing French broom from the surrounding area. Future projects include thistle removal and revegetation at the Russian Ridge parking lot. In addition, Acterra will host community work days for volunteers of all ages. This partnership brings greater diversity to Midpen’s volunteer base and provides more opportunities for public engagement on our preserves.

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