Hawk above La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve / photo by Frances Freyburg

Instagram Links

La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve (Frances Freyburg)

We strive to keep this page updated with links to Midpen Open Space content that we have recently posted on our Instagram page so that you can not only enjoy photos, but explore further!

June Links


Midpen is a single-purpose, independent special district. Instagram is intended as a limited public forum for information sharing between Midpen and the public. Comments posted on Instagram will be monitored during regular business hours. We reserve the right to restrict or remove inappropriate comments including those that have obscene language or sexual content, threaten or defame any person or organization, violate intellectual property rights or the legal ownership interest of another party, support or oppose political candidates or ballot propositions, encourage illegal activity, promote commercial services or products or are not topically related to the particular posting.

Social media direct messages are not regularly monitored. Please email us at info@openspace.org or call us at (650) 691-1200 with questions. 

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