Join Docent Naturalists Frances Reneau and Nick Yatsko for an early spring romp through the chaparral along the Manzanita and Jones trails. You'll learn about binomial nomenclature (woohoo!) with a focus on chaparral plants like chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum), California sagebrush (Artemisa californica), coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis), and various manzanitas (Arctostaphylos sp.). Where do all these names—both common and scientific—come from, and what do they mean?
Meet at the County boat launch parking lot next to the Lexington Reservoir Dam. From southbound Highway 17, take the Bear Creek Road exit, cross over the highway, and go 0.4 miles north on Highway 17 to Alma Bridge Road. Follow Alma Bridge Rd. over the top of the dam. Continue beyond the dam as the road jogs to the right. Turn right into the parking lot just before the road veers to the left. A Santa Clara County Park parking fee is in effect.