Hikers in Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve / photo by Lanette Otvos

What's in a Name?

January 18, 2025
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
El Sereno Preserve
Approximate Total Miles

Join Docent Naturalists Frances Reneau and Nancy Weintraub for mid-winter romp through the chaparral along the Montevina Ridge and Aquinas trails. You'll learn about binomial nomenclature (woohoo!) with a focus on chaparral plants like chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum), California sagebrush (Artemisa californica), coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis), and various manzanitas (Arctostaphylos sp.). Where do all these names—both common and scientific—come from, and what do they mean?

Where to Meet

Meet at Montevina Roadside Parking. Accessible from the end of Montevina Road, three miles west of Highway 17. Take the Bear Creek Road/Montevina Road exit off Highway 17 and follow Montevina Road until it ends. There is extremely limited parking at the roadside turnout; please carpool if possible.

To ensure your experience on a docent naturalist outing is enjoyable please review these activity guidelines.

If your activity requires registration, please be sure to cancel your reservation (from your confirmation email) if you are no longer able to attend so others can participate.

After your participation on a guided activity please share your feedback — your input is meaningful to our volunteers and program staff – thank you!