Join Docent Naturalists Dave Kocsis and Patty Lovelace for an advanced-to-intermediate mountain bike ride on fun trails with outstanding views in memory of our friend and longtime Midpen Docent Naturalist Strether Smith. You’ll carpool from Picchetti Ranch Preserve to the beautiful Waterwheel Creek Trail and ride most of the single track and fire roads in Monte Bello Preserve before riding on Stevens Canyon Road back to your carpool location. The mostly downhill route (2,200-foot net descent) includes 1,700+ feet of climbing. Approximately five miles of the ride is on public roadways. Bring snacks. Reservations are required and will be accepted on or after March 22 at 12:00 p.m. (Noon) and close April 4 at 2:00 p.m.
For this activity at Monte Bello Preserve, meet at the Picchetti Ranch Preserve parking lot. From the intersection of I-280 and Foothill Expressway, go 3.5 miles southwest (toward the mountains) on Foothill Boulevard/Stevens Canyon Road. Turn right on Montebello Road. The preserve is 0.5 miles up Montebello Rd. on the left. Participants will carpool to the trailhead for this activity.