Trail Treks, provide exercise-focused hikes and opportunities to discover Midpen's beautiful preserves.
Visit the Monte Bello Preserve on #OptOutside Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) with Docent Naturalists Nancy Weintraub, Bobbie Riedel, and Mallik K. to take a moderately-paced loop hike that encompasses Black Mountain and includes a 1,000-foot elevation gain. You’ll enjoy the day after Thanksgiving with lovely views on the Bella Vista Trail and a return from Stevens Creek. Bring a snack for a brief break.
Meet at the Monte Bello Parking Area on Page Mill Road (across from Los Trancos Preserve), 7 miles west of I-280 or 1.5 miles east of Skyline Boulevard. Those traveling from I-280 on Page Mill Rd. should allow approximately 35 minutes travel time.