Hikers in Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve / photo by Lanette Otvos

MODIFIED due to extreme heat: Happy InTERdependence Day

July 3, 2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Monte Bello Preserve
Approximate Total Miles

Please note that the original "coyote" hike will be rescheduled for fall. Meet up for a leisurely-paced, mostly shaded, morning walk on what is forecast to be one of the hottest days of the year so far. Join Interpretive Specialist Katie Renz and Docent Naturalists Marie Faust Evitt and Nancy Weintraub to take advantage of the cooling effects of water and connect with nature before the sun becomes too intense. You'll begin with a visit to the sag pond and then wend your way along the mixed evergreen woodlands of the Stevens Creek Nature Trail before returning to the parking area via the White Oaks Trail. You'll explore the habitats for examples of interdependent relationships among the plants and animals as a way to usher in the upcoming Independence Day celebration. Please bring sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, more water than you think you'll need, and anything else you may need be comfortable on a hot summer's day.


RESCHEDULED for fall, date TBD. What do you think of when you hear coyotes howl and yip? Celebrated as the crooners of “America’s original national anthem” by author Dan Flores, these wild song dogs have loped in and out of human society, and our consciousness, for millennia. On this moderately-paced hike in a preserve known for its coyote population, join Interpretive Specialist Katie Renz and Docent Naturalists Marie Faust Evitt and Nancy Weintraub to learn about the natural and cultural history of this adaptable canine in our midst and consider our interconnected futures. (Note: This route has a steep downhill section; please wear shoes with good tread and bring hiking poles if you wish. It is forecast to be very hot; most of the trail is relatively exposed. Please bring sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, more water than you think you'll need, and anything else you may need be comfortable on a summer's day in the grasslands.)

Where to Meet

Meet at the Monte Bello Parking Area on Page Mill Road (across from Los Trancos Preserve), 7 miles west of I-280 or 1.5 miles east of Skyline Boulevard. Those traveling from I-280 on Page Mill Rd. should allow approximately 35 minutes travel time.

To ensure your experience on a docent naturalist outing is enjoyable please review these activity guidelines.

If your activity requires registration, please be sure to cancel your reservation (from your confirmation email) if you are no longer able to attend so others can participate.

After your participation on a guided activity please share your feedback — your input is meaningful to our volunteers and program staff – thank you!