Hikers in Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve / photo by Lanette Otvos

Going on a Grass Hunt

September 1, 2023
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Saratoga Gap Preserve
Approximate Total Miles

Join a leisurely-paced hike with Docent Naturalists Frances Reneau and Bobbie Riedel on a quest to learn the grasses. California's Mediterranean summer-dry climate spells doom for annual grasses. By fall, they have long since dropped their seeds and turned to gold. In contrast, native perennial bunch grasses with their deep roots survive the rainless months and there's green among the golden blades. How many can you find? Purple needlegrass? Melic grass? Blue wild rye?

Where to Meet

Meet at Caltran's Saratoga Gap Vista Point Parking Area on the southeast corner of the Skyline Boulevard (Highway 35) and Highway 9 intersection.

To ensure your experience on a docent naturalist outing is enjoyable please review these activity guidelines.

If your activity requires registration, please be sure to cancel your reservation (from your confirmation email) if you are no longer able to attend so others can participate.

After your participation on a guided activity please share your feedback — your input is meaningful to our volunteers and program staff – thank you!