Enjoy a leisurely-paced hike with Docent Naturalists Bobbie Riedel and Nick Yatsko to explore the cultural and natural history of the Hawthorns Area, a limited-access location separate from the rest of Windy Hill Preserve. You’ll meander through grasslands, pass an olive orchard, wander along a stream, and see structures built in the late 1880s. You’ll also gain sweeping views of the mountains and the bay. (Note: Directions will be sent. A docent will meet you at the gate and direct you to parking area. Some sections of the walk are on unimproved trails.) Reservations are required and will be accepted on or after April 19 at 12:00 p.m. (Noon) and close May 2 at 2:00 p.m.
Directions will be sent.