View from Russian Ridge Preserve to Mindego Hill by Karl Gohl
Additional Information

5:00pm - special meeting

7:00pm - regular meeting


Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Board meetings are held in person at the District’s Administrative Office, and by teleconference pursuant to Government Code Section 54953. Members of the public can attend and participate in the meeting using the following methods:

     1. In-person at the Midpen Administrative Office – 5050 El Camino Real, Los Altos, CA 94022.
     2. Viewing the meeting in real-time at or listening to the meeting by dialing (669) 900-6833 or (346) 248-7799 (Meeting ID 879 6548 5691).

Members of the public may submit written comments to be provided to the Board, or register to make oral comments, as follows:

• Written comments may be submitted via the public comment form at:
• Requests to provide oral comment must be submitted prior to the time public comment on the agenda item is closed. Requests to provide oral comments may be made by:
          o Submitting a request through the public comment form at: for those attending via Zoom.
          o Submitting a request via the paper-based public comment form at the meeting for those attending in-person.
• Any comments received after the deadline will be provided to the Board after the meeting.

Meeting Agenda



1. Selection of a Multi-use Through Trail Alignment at Bear Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve (R-23-142)

Staff Contact: Bryan Apple, Capital Projects Field Manager, Land & Facilities Department

General Manager’s Recommendation: Review the key considerations of various feasible trail alignments and select one Multi-Use Through Trail alignment for implementation at Bear Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve based on the Board’s highest priority goals for the trail alignment as follows:

     1. If the goal is to reduce natural resource impacts and control construction costs, select Alignment 1. Consider including the optional Equestrian Bypass Trail to further separate user groups under this option.
     2. If the goal is to separate bicyclists and equestrians to the maximum extent practicable, select Alignment 2.
     3. If the goal is to reduce the overlap with bicyclists and equestrians in a key location identified by the public, select Alignment 3. Consider including the optional Equestrian Bypass Trail to further separate user groups under this option.




1. Confirm no activity by the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Financing Authority on debt issues for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023 (R-23-143)

Staff Contact: Rafaela Oceguera, Budget and Finance Manager, Budget and Finance Department

Controller’s Recommendation: Accept the report on the Financing Authority’s debt issuance.




This portion of the agenda is for members of the public to comment on items not on the agenda; however, the Brown Act (Open Meeting Law) does not allow action by the Board of Directors on items not on the agenda. Individuals are limited to one comment during this section.



All items on the Consent Calendar may be approved without discussion by one motion. Board members, the General Manager, and members of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar during consideration of the Consent Calendar.

1. Approve the October 25, 2023, November 1, 2023, and November 8, 2023 meeting minutes

2. Claims Report

3. 2024 Legislative Program (R-23-144)

Staff Contact: Joshua Hugg, Governmental Affairs Program Manager, Public Affairs Department

General Manager’s Recommendation: Adopt the 2024 Legislative Program as recommended by the Legislative, Funding, and Public Affairs Committee, with any final changes from the Board of Directors, to set the Calendar Year 2024 legislative priorities and policies for Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District.

4. Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Financial Report (R-23-145)

Staff Contact: Rafaela Oceguera, Budget and Finance Manager, Budget and Finance Department

General Manager’s Recommendations: Review and accept the Fiscal Year 2022-23 (FY23) Annual Financial Report.

5. Contract Amendment for San Gregorio Creek Fish Habitat Enhancement (R-23-146)

Staff Contact: David Liefert, Water Resources Specialist, Natural Resources Department

General Manager’s Recommendations:
     1. Authorize the General Manager to amend the existing partnership agreement with the San Mateo Resource Conservation District by $246,273, bringing the total base not-to-exceed contract amount to $292,011, to oversee the implementation and monitoring of habitat enhancements in San Gregorio Creek to promote the recovery of protected fish species.
     2. Authorize an additional 15% contingency of $36,941 to cover unforeseen tasks for a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $333,214.

6. Award of Contract to On Point Land Management, Inc., for Pest Control Advisor Services (R-23-147)

Staff Contact: Coty Sifuentes-Winter, Senior Resource Management Specialist, Natural Resources Department

General Manager’s Recommendations:
     1. Award a contract to On Point Land Management, Inc., of San Francisco, California, for a not-to-exceed base contract amount of $92,500.
     2. Authorize an allowance of $49,000 to cover additional pest control services (including enrichment training for volunteers, preparation of individual IPM Plans), bringing the total not-to-exceed contract amount to $141,500.

7. Award of Contract for Design and Engineering Services for the Prospect Road Culvert Replacement Project at Fremont Older Open Space Preserve (R-23-148)

Staff Contact: Alex Harker, Capital Project Manager II, Construction & Engineering

General Manager’s Recommendations:
     1. Award a contract to BKF Engineers of Redwood City, California, for design, engineering, permitting, and construction administration for the Prospect Road Culvert Replacement Project for a not-to-exceed base contract amount of $81,964.
     2. Authorize a 15% contingency of $12,295 to cover unforeseen work, bringing the total-not-to-exceed contract amount to $94,259.

8. Minor Amendments/Corrections to Board Policy 5.01 – Site Naming, Gift, and Special Recognition – related to Monetary Gift Acknowledgements (R-23-149)

Staff Contact: Natalie Jolly, Public Affairs Specialist II, Public Affairs Department

General Manager’s Recommendations: Approve minor amendments/corrections to Board Policy 5.01 – Site Naming, Gift, and Special Recognition, as supported by the Legislative, Funding, and Public Affairs Committee to acknowledge all gifts annually in a standard publication regardless of and without specifying the gift amount.

9. Award of Contract to Community Initiatives (the fiscal sponsor of Latino Outdoors) to provide Community Engagement Events for Two Years (R-23-150)

Staff Contact: Natalie Jolly, Public Affairs Specialist II, Public Affairs Department

General Manager’s Recommendations: Authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract with Community Initiatives for an amount not-to-exceed $88,000 over a two-year span to provide engaging outdoor experiences for diverse participants at various open space preserves and via online virtual presentations.

Public comment on agenda items at the time each item is considered by the Board of Directors.

10. Grant Awards for the 2023 Grantmaking Program (R-23-151)

Staff Contacts: Deborah Hirst, Grants Program Manager, Administrative Services and Samantha Powell, Senior Grants & Procurement Technician, Administrative Services

General Manager’s Recommendation: Approve grant awards totaling $249,769 for five (5) proposals under the 2023 Grantmaking Program as recommended by the Legislative, Funding, and Public Affairs Committee.

INFORMATIONAL REPORTS – Reports on compensable meetings attended. Brief reports or announcements concerning activities of District Directors and staff; opportunity to refer public or Board questions to staff for information; request staff to report to the Board on a matter at a future meeting; or direct staff to place a matter on a future agenda. Items in this category are for discussion and direction to staff only. No final policy action will be taken by the Board.

     A. Committee Reports
     B. Staff Reports
     C. Director Reports


*Times are estimated and items may appear earlier or later than listed. Agenda is subject to change of order.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the District Clerk at (650) 691-1200. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

Written materials relating to an item on this Agenda that are considered to be a public record and are distributed to Board members less than 72 hours prior to the meeting, will be available for public inspection at the District’s Administrative Office located at 5050 El Camino Real, Los Altos, California 94022.


Regular Meeting agendas are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting. Special Meeting agendas are posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Unless otherwise noted, all meetings take place at the District Administrative Office - 5050 El Camino Real, Los Altos, CA 94022

Meeting minutes are generally available two to four weeks after a Board meeting. Please note that formal meeting minutes are not taken at Committee meetings or some Special Meetings of the Board (that is, study sessions or public workshops). See Midpen meeting minutes.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the District Clerk at or 650-691-1200. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.