View from Russian Ridge Preserve to Mindego Hill by Karl Gohl

Special and Regular Meeting

Meeting Agenda




1. Historic Structures Policies, Guidelines, and Practices (R-19-117)

Staff Contact: Tina Hugg, Senior Planner, Planning
General Manager’s Recommendation: Review and discuss existing Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District policies, guidelines, and practices related to the disposition of historic structures. No Board action required.



The Board President will invite public comment on items not on the agenda.  Each speaker will ordinarily be limited to three minutes; however, the Brown Act (Open Meeting Law) does not allow action by the Board of Directors on items not on the agenda. If you wish to address the Board, please complete a speaker card and give it to the District Clerk. Individuals are limited to one appearance during this section.


• Introduction of staff
o Nina Vuoso, Environmental Education Specialist
o Irma Mora, Executive Assistant
o Xucan Zhou, Planner II

All items on the Consent Calendar may be approved without discussion by one motion. Board members, the General Manager, and members of the public may request that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar during consideration of the Consent Calendar.

1. Approve August 14, 2019 Minutes

2. Claims Report

3. Award of Contract for Bergman Residences Reconstruction Phase III at Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve (R-19-115)

Staff Contact: Jean Chung, Property Management Specialist I
General Manager’s Recommendations:
1. Authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract with Belz Construction to complete the Bergman Residences Reconstruction Phase III at Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve for a base contract amount of $238,000.
2. Authorize a 15% contingency of $35,700, to be reserved for unanticipated issues, thus allowing the total contract amount not-to-exceed $273,700.

4. Proposed Agreement to exchange interests in real property between Frederick Holley and Maud Gleason (Holley-Gleason) and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (District). District to receive a public trail easement along a portion of Kennedy Trail in Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve (portion of Santa Clara APN 537-15-028) in exchange for a solar panel easement conveyed to Holley-Gleason at Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve (portion of Santa Clara APN 537-15-027).  Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 5540.5, a unanimous vote of all seven Board members is required. (R-19-110)

Staff Contact: Allen Ishibashi, Sr. Real Property Agent
General Manager’s Recommendations:
1. Determine that the recommended actions are categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as set out in the report.
2. By a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, adopt a resolution authorizing the agreement to exchange interest in real property between the District and Holley-Gleason.
3. Amend the Use and Management Plan to include the exchanged interest in real property.
4. Withhold dedication of the Exchange Property as public open space at this time.
5. Proposed Agreement to exchange interests in real property between Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (District). District to receive a public roadway easement for a portion of Mt. Umunhum Road and a public trail easement for a portion of Woods Trail in Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve (portion of Santa Clara APN 583-24-004) in exchange for an easement for an existing gas line to be conveyed to PG&E at Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve (portion of San Mateo County APN 050-470-090).  Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 5540.5, a unanimous vote of all seven Board members is required. (R-19-109)

Staff Contact: Allen Ishibashi, Sr. Real Property Agent
General Manager’s Recommendations:
1. Determine that the recommended actions are categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as set out in the report.
2. By a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, adopt a resolution authorizing the agreement to exchange interest in real property between the District and PG&E.
3. Amend the Use and Management Plan to include the exchanged interest in real property.
4. Withhold dedication of the Exchange Property as public open space at this time.

6. Award of Contract to Humboldt Fence Company for Replacement of Livestock Perimeter Fencing in Toto Ranch, which is a part of Tunitas Creek Open Space Preserve (R-19-116)

Staff Contact: Michael Jurich, Land & Facilities Manager
General Manager’s Recommendations:
1. Authorize the General Manager to award a contract to Humboldt Fence Company to construct a replacement livestock perimeter fence for a base contract amount of $90,824 in support of the conservation grazing program at Toto Ranch.
2. Authorize a 5% contingency of $4,541 to be expended only if unforeseen site conditions are encountered, such as bank slippage or minor adjustments to fence location, for a total contract not-to-exceed $95,365.

7. Written Response to Daniel Yost, Woodside Mayor

Staff Contact: Brian Malone, Assistant General Manager
General Manager’s Recommendation: Approve the written response to Mayor Yost

8. Award of Contract to Hanford Applied Restoration & Conservation for the Ravenswood Bay Trail Connection Revegetation and Plant Maintenance Project  (R-19-119)

Staff Contact: Amanda Mills, Resource Management Specialist II
General Manager’s Recommendations:
1. Authorize the General Manager to award a contract to Hanford Applied Restoration & Conservation of Petaluma, CA for a base amount not-to-exceed $294,500 to complete the Ravenswood Bay Trail Connection Revegetation and Plant Maintenance Project.
2. Authorize a 15% contingency of $44,175 based on the base amount to be expended only if necessary to cover unforeseen conditions.
3. Authorize an allowance of $47,615 for Bid Alternates #11 through #14 (alternate project schedule and additional watering, weeding, and seeding events), bringing the total not-to-exceed contract amount to $386,290.

9. Award of Contract for Environmental Services for the Beatty Parking Area and Trail Connection Project at Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve (R-19-111)

Staff Contact: Leialani Hufana, Planner II, Planning Department
General Manager’s Recommendations:
1. Authorize the General Manager to enter into a multi-year contract with LSA Associates, Inc., to provide environmental and planning consulting services to support the Beatty Parking Area and Trail Connections Project for a base contract amount of $159,124.
2. Authorize a 15% contingency of $23,876, to be expended only if necessary to cover unforeseen conditions, for a not-to-exceed contract amount of $183,000.

The President will invite public comment on agenda items at the time each item is considered by the Board of Directors. Each speaker will ordinarily be limited to three minutes. Alternately, you may comment to the Board by a written communication, which the Board appreciates.

10. Resolution requesting the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors extend the 4/5ths supermajority vote required to move the Stanford University Academic Growth Boundary for an additional 99 years to protect important open space lands (R-19-114)

Staff Contact: Susanna Chan, Assistant General Manager
General Manager’s Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution requesting that the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors extend the 4/5ths supermajority vote required to move the Stanford University Academic Growth Boundary for an additional 99 years to continue protecting important open space lands in the county.

11. Award of Contract to San Francisco Estuary Institute for Formation of a Science Advisory Panel (R-19-120)

Staff Contact: Kirk Lenington, Natural Resources Manager
General Manager’s Recommendations:
1. Award a contract to San Francisco Estuary Institute for the formation of a Science Advisory Panel and first round of scientific review for a contract amount of $100,000 across Fiscal Year 2019-20 and Fiscal Year 2020-21.
2. Authorize the General Manager to extend the contract for an additional round of scientific review, if the program is successful, for an additional $100,000, bringing the total contract to $200,000 ending in Fiscal Year 2021-22.

12. Contract Change Order with Graniterock Company to Construct the Mud Lake Improvements as part of the larger Bear Creek Redwoods Public Access Project (R-19-118)

Staff Contact: Zachary Alexander, Capital Project Manager III, Engineering & Construction Department
General Manager’s Recommendations:
1. Authorize a contract change order for the base amount of $356,489 with Graniterock Company of Watsonville, California to construct the Mud Lake Improvements as part of the larger Bear Creek Redwood Public Access Project, bringing the total contract amount to $4,231,825.
2. Authorize a 15% contingency of $53,474 to cover unforeseen conditions related to the Mud Lake Improvements, for a total contract change order of $409,963 and total not-to-exceed contract amount $4,285,299.


• Agricultural Policy Project – Update on Process and Schedule
• State Legislative Update

INFORMATIONAL REPORTS – Reports on compensable meetings attended. Brief reports or announcements concerning activities of District Directors and staff; opportunity to refer public or Board questions to staff for information; request staff to report to the Board on a matter at a future meeting; or direct staff to place a matter on a future agenda. Items in this category are for discussion and direction to staff only. No final policy action will be taken by the Board.

A. Committee Reports
B. Staff Reports
C. Director Reports




1. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. Government Code Section 54957(b)(1)
    Title of Employee:  Controller
General Counsel
General Manager


Regular Meeting agendas are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting. Special Meeting agendas are posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Unless otherwise noted, all meetings take place at the District Administrative Office - 5050 El Camino Real, Los Altos, CA 94022

Meeting minutes are generally available two to four weeks after a Board meeting. Please note that formal meeting minutes are not taken at Committee meetings or some Special Meetings of the Board (that is, study sessions or public workshops). See Midpen meeting minutes.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the District Clerk at or 650-691-1200. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.