We understand and appreciate that Midpen visitors would like to remember and pay tribute to loved ones by placing a bench with an engraved plaque in their favorite preserve. Although we would like to honor all of these special requests, as an open space district, we strive to keep the open space in as natural a state as possible and minimize the number of manmade structures, including benches. To this end, the District offers a very limited commemorative bench dedication program based on select criteria. Please refer below for guidelines:
- Constituent commemorative bench dedications are chosen from a pre-approved list of existing undedicated benches on District lands.
- Under Policy 5.01 Site Naming, Gift, and Special Recognition, the District will consider commemorative bench requests to honor a deceased or living member of the public who has made a significant contribution to the District.
- The definition of a significant contribution to the District is:
-Someone who has displayed conspicuous or noteworthy support for the District through extraordinary contributions of time and effort to the advancement of the goals, philosophy, and mission of the District.
-Someone who has volunteered a minimum of 250 volunteer hours and 5 years of service to the District by volunteering in the District’s docent program or volunteer program. - Approved commemorative benches are funded by the requestors who must pay $5,000 up front to fund a 10-year term for a bench. After 10 years, the original donor will have the option to contribute an additional $5,000 donation for each additional 10-year term.
- Requests must be made through the Commemorative Bench Application Form. The request may be made online below, or downloaded and sent to:
Memorial Bench Program
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
5050 El Camino Real
Los Altos, CA 94022
Commemorative Bench Application Form
Policy 5.01 Site Naming, Gift, and Special Recognition
Midpen has a very limited commemorative bench program. Find additional resources on bench programs from other local parks and open space agencies here:
Partner Memorial Bench Program List
For questions or more information regarding the Commemorative Bench Program, please the Public Affairs Department at 650-691-1200.